1. Master
1.1 Company
1.2 Branch
1.3 Godown
1.4 City
1.5 State
1.6 Country
1.7 Tax Master
1.8 Account Group
1.9 Supplier
1.10 Customere
1.11 General Ledger- Book Master
1.12 Employee
1.13 Cost Centre
1.14 Item Group
1.15 Item Mastere
1.16 Process
1.17 Bill of Material
1.18 QC Parameter
1.19 Category Master
1.20 User Master- Module Access Rights
1.21 Machine Group Master
1.22 Machine Master
2. Sales
2.1 Sales Inquiry & Folllow up
2.2 Sales Quotation & Followup
2.3 Sales Order
2.4 Sales Invoice
2.5 Sales Return
2.6 Credit Note
2.7 Sales Order Cancellation
3. Purchase
3.1 Purchase Requisition
3.2 Purchase Requisition
3.3 Purchase Quatation
3.4 Quotation Comparision
3.5 Purchase Order
3.6 Purchase Invoice
3.7 Debit note
3.8 Purchase Invoice Return
3.9 Purchase Order Cancellation
3.10 RFQ- Generation for Register Vender
3.11 RFQ - Approval
4. Online Rate Submittion For Vendor
4.1 Rate Submission against RFQ
5. Store & Inventory
5.1 Godown Issue
5.2 Godown Receipt
5.3 Branch Issue
5.4 Branch Receipt
5.5 Stock Issue
5.6 Stock Receipt
5.7 Stock Transfer
6. Production
6.1 Work Order
6.2 Material Issue Against Process
6.3 Process Receipt
7. QC
7.1 QC Inward - Materia
7.2 QC Production- Process
8. Finance
8.1 Payment In
8.2 Payment Out
8.3 Journal Voucher
8.4 Expense Voucher
8.5 Depreciation - JV
9. Utility
9.1 Field Manager
9.2 Email Configuration
9.3 OutStanding Auto Mail
9.4 Change Password
9.5 Account Merge
9.6 Item Merge
10. Payroll
10.1 Employee Master
10.2 Department Master
10.3 Contract Employee
10.4 Employee Category
10.5 Holiday Declaration
10.6 Salary Heads
10.7 Shift Master
10.8 Leave Master
10.9 Salary Setup
10.10 Attendance Setup
10.11 Salary Setup
11. Payroll Transaction
11.1 Collect Punch Data
11.2 Attendance
11.3 Advance Payment ( Payment Out)
11.4 Loan Payment(Payment Out)
11.5 Leave Request
11.6 Leave Approval
11.7 OT Entry
11.8 OT Approval
11.9 C- Off Entry
11.10 C-Off Approval
11.11 Early - Late Going Approval
11.12 Salary Generation
11.13 Salary Payment(Payment Out)
12. Report
12.1 GST
12.1.1 Sales Register
12.1.2 Purchase Register
12.1.3 Outward HSN Summary
12.1.5 GSTR 3B-Sales Purchase summary
12.2 Sales
12.2.1 Sale Order Analysis
12.2.2 Sales Invoice Analysis
12.3 Purchase
12.3.1 Purchase Order analysis
12.3.2 Purchase Invoice Analysis
12.4 Stock
12.4.1 Stock Ledger
12.5 Account
12.5.1 Account Ledger
12.5.2 Account Outstanding
12.5.3 Balance Sheet
12.5.4 Profit Loss
12.5.5 Trail and Balance
12.5.6 Account Payable
12.5.7 Account Receivable
12.6 TDS
12.6.1 TDS Payable
12.6.2 TDS Receivable
12.7 Production Report
12.7.1 Product Wise RM consumption
12.7.2 Batch Tracking
12.7.3 WIP Report
12.8 Payroll Report
12.8.1 Payroll Report
12.8.2 Attendance Report
12.8.3 OT Report
12.8.4 Leave Register
12.8.5 Attendance Report
12.8.6 Employee Master Report
12.8.7 Organization Chart
12.8.8 ESIC Report
12.8.9 PF Report
13. Common Features
13.1 Document Attachment at Every Transaction
13.2 Audit Log of Transaction Entry
13.3 Mail Configuration at Every Transaction
13.4 Authorization at Every Transaction
13.5 Print Document at Every Transaction- Customizable
13.6 Export in Excel PDF of Every Report
13.7 Field Creation at every Transaction(Header - Details Level)
13.8 Escalation Matrix as Per Client Requirement