Mobile Features List
Route Planning
Define standard Route plan for sales persons to visit in their route activity. Sales person can select their from station to station so they can easily define their tour plan easily.Once Sales person define their route plan then admin will approve it then after sales person can select route in Tour plan.
Tour Planning
Plan monthly and daily activities follow-ups with Vast sales force automation software. Medical representatives can select their standard route and they will define station wise doctor,chemist and stockiest.Vast Sales Force will remind you DOB and DOA of doctors of month so you can plan thier pmt activity. Their head can receiew TP and approve it.Admin can restrict Individual visit state wise.
Pre Call Planning
Medical Representative has to confirm their visit plan before start. Or else can modify as and when required. They can confirm their Planning Station,Visit doctor,chemist and Stockiest.
Daily Call Reporting
Doctor Visit
Chemist Visit
Stockiest Visit
After confirmation of planning, Medical representative can add doctor visit at doctor location with providing meeting time,product detailing,sample and gift issue as per their stock,can do pmt activity and attach pics and bills of activity explense for re embassment.
MR can submit their chemist visit POB value and order copy. Can Insert RCPA with copititor brand.
User can insert X and Y product analysis. MR can take outstanding followup.
Weekly Secondary Sales
MR can submit their weekly secondary sales and closing stock.
Product & Pramotion
MR can do product pramotion at the doctor location.
At the time of doctor booking system will ask to tag giolocation of doctor so that gei fanccing can be done.
AS per User setting admin can restrict MR DCR entry out of the range of doctor Location.
Doctor Master
MR can create Doctor Master with Micro detail information of it which can be helpful to evaluate doctor capacity and potential.
Chemist Master
MR can create chemist master based on head and Admin approval.
Stockiest Master
MR can create Stockiest master based on head and Admin approval.
Learning Module
System provides learning literature in app which can be useful for product detailing.
POB(Product Order Booking)
AMR can provide POB value of retailer at time of visit.
E Detailing
System provides detailing document.
RCPA(Retail Chemist Prescription Audit)
MR can do prescription audit through system.
Doctor Business
MR or Team can do Head quarter wise sales bifurcation in doctor module which can be consider for RCM.
Order Booking
MR can book Party wise order and send confirmation mail to party and PMT Department.
Brand Knowledge
AS per division, admin can set brand knowledger literature which use can be used by MR for their internal use and pramotional activity use.
Sample Request
AS per MR Monthly Sales, MR can request the sample or gift or literature.MR can only request the Material which stock is available and state wise share.
Sample Receipt
Once Material is dispatched from HO or admin, MR can receipt their stock.
Gift Management
Once Gift is dispatched from HO or admin, MR can receipt their gift.Admin can dispatch Gift to ASM or ZSM and they can also transfer to MR.
Approval Module
Route Approval
Tour Approval
PMT activity expense Approval
Doctor Master
Chemist Master
Sample Request
In System we can also provider checker maker system as and when require in given module.
Shifting Module
We can also make doctor wise sales planning, monthly base and once achieve the target we can convert the doctor to shifted.
Induction Training & Evaluation
In System There is Induction training module in which we can provide induction training to every new joining. As per our setting and once Done HOD and Admin approval we can shceudule live field work.
Control Module
As we have lots of module but without control module we can achieve our goal So we have developed Control Module through which we can control our module wise entry.If user are not doing on time entry We can restrict their Daily Call Entry.
Message Broadcast
We can also Broad cast message in app and without response user can not continue their work.
MIS & Analysis Report
DCR Visit Report
DCR Preview
Activity Claim Report
Brand Sampling Reportr
Shifting Plan Report
HQ Wise Master Record Analaysis
TP Summary Report
TP Variance Report
Doctor Master
Chemist Master
Stockiest Master
Sales Review Report
Loyal Dr. DOB & DOA Status Report